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Safety IO

We know what’s at stake

MSA Safety IO

MSA Safety Incorporated is the global leader in the development, manufacture and supply of safety products that protect people and facility infrastructures. Gas detection plays a fundamental role in helping to keep workers and worksites safe from flammable and toxic gases.
As a subsidiary of MSA The Safety Company, we create cloud-based web and mobile safety services and tools that provide insights and help you minimize interruptions and improve safety outcomes.


When you connect your world-class MSA equipment to our services, you break down the obstacles standing between you and your safety goals.

Improve safety equipment compliance and accountability while driving out unpredictability and cost.


See across your worksites—including workers and safety workflows—accessible from anywhere with an Internet connection


Manage equipment status, inventory, maintenance and reporting in one place.

Data-driven insights

Reliable, actionable data, that help you to create safer and more efficient work environments

Software Updates

The greatest functionalities delivered safely and securely to you every time you log in..


Grid Fleet Manager

Grid Fleet Manager is a web-based service to streamline your gas detection fleet management. It helps you regain control of your detection program so you can shift your focus to your broader safety goals.

  • Take action on safety and maintenance concerns
  • Drive worker accountability with insights from your data
  • Comply with OSHA record-keeping requirements (where applicable)

Grid Live Monitor

Grid Live Monitor shares hazard and compliance concerns with you and your team in real time so you can take action when seconds count.

  • Device assignment
  • Real-time location awareness
  • Satellite and street view map options
  • Detailed incident history reports
  • Real-time alarm alerts about gas readings or other hazards
  • Real-time compliance alerts
  • Associated worker phone number
  • Individual or group evacuation control

Grid Asset Manager

Grid Asset Manager allows you to easily track and inspect fall protection equipment in real time from anywhere.

  • Add product information with a quick RFID scan
  • Assign assets to people and place
  • Review assignment history
  • Schedule inspections and receive timely reminders
  • Add photos and notes to any inspection record

Empower your safety program

As a subsidiary of MSA The Safety Company, we create cloud-based web and mobile safety services and tools that provide insights and help you minimize interruptions and improve safety outcomes.

One Stop Shop for Your Needs

Get Calibrated

Make sure your devices are properly calibrated.

Book a Service

Ensure your device is in good working order.

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Need a device on short or long term?.